Benefits: Health & Wellness
Headaches • Snoring Beyond the therapeutic benefits to respiratory and skin disorders, salt therapy offers a relaxing and rejuvenating experience to the typical spa-goer. Due to the effects of salt particles and their ions on two major bodily organs, the lungs and skin, this treatment has been shown to strengthen the immune system and is thus commonly practiced as a preventative therapy. In addition, negative ions are believed to stimulate the metabolism by increasing the exchange of electronic substances between cells. Testimonials of adults and children suffering from abnormal sleep patterns and insomnia suggest that salt therapy helps improve sleep patterns. In addition, those suffering from stress and fatigue have shown to greatly benefit from the relaxing and rejuvenating environment of the salt chamber. People have said to feel a sense of rejuvenation and improved mood balance after a session. Visit our pricing page for package options. Contact us for more information.